Andy Stagg

[full stack .NET developer]

Python Live Project : Travel Scrape
Tech Academy Collaborative Team Project
Python Django HTML 5 CSS 3 Javscript Bootstrap
Story 4935 - City Search
Story 4935 - Cuisine results within a city
Story 4793 & 5092 - Flight search form
Story 4793 - 5092 Flight search form with more options toggled
Story 4793 - 5092 Flight search results
Story 4935 - City Search
Story 4935 - Cuisine results within a city
Story 4793 & 5092 - Flight search form
Story 4793 - 5092 Flight search form with more options toggled
Story 4793 - 5092 Flight search results

Tech Academy's Live Project gives students the opportunity to work in a collaborative environment with other students, and it's one of the primary reasons why I enrolled. The project is intended to recreate a real Django web project using the agile development methodology. Typically the project consists of two week-long sprints, however I finished the boot camp course work with enough time remaining to add an additional sprint. The project is managed through Azure DevOps, with source control via GitHub, and developer communication via Slack. Students participated in daily standups via Google Hangout where we would update the group on what we've completed the day before, our plan for the day, and if we were facing any roadblocks. Each student was allowed to pick their own stories and move at their own pace, creating a pull request to be merged into the master once approved by the project director.

Live Project offered me the best opportunity to experience growth while attending The Tech Academy. Having a relatively strong starting point of HTML/CSS/C# from the past, I knew I was lacking the experience of how development teams work. During my three weeks in the Django project, I worked on 3 stories consisting of a mix of both back-end and front-end development. The 2nd story was divided into two sprints. The overall concept for the project was a "scrape" style web site leveraging scraping and 3rd party API's to aggregate information a user might want to find while traveling. In contrast to the C# Live Project, the stories tended to be broader in scope, and we were encouraged to spread our wings and make the individual apps more functionally robust and user friendly.


Story 4935 Restaurants App - Improve UI/UX

Story 4793 and 5092 Flight App - Clean Up Round 1 and 2

Mimic Studio ❯ ❯