Andy Stagg

[full stack .NET developer]

Tracker API
Node.js RESTful API Express MySQL VS Code Ubuntu
Postmain results from the /pings/event/boat enpoint
Postmain results from the /pings/event/boat enpoint

I developed Tracker as a personal project to create a lite duty model sail boat tracker for an annual regatta I take participate in while learning to create a RESTful API in Node.js. The requirement for the API was to receive a series of "pings" sent from an Arduino device with WiFi and GPS modules via an on-shore personal hot spot. Given the size and range of the model boats, this is an adequate setup.

As an added personal challenge, I created this API entirely within Ubuntu 18.04 to become more confident in my cross platform skill set.

❮❮ Gear Review

Design Database ❯ ❯